Originally Posted By: rocky man bill
......fearful that any view that opposes yours is dangerous

I'm a conservative, bill, but I'm not concerned that your views oppose mine. What my views are is insignificant. What is troubling to me, and many other conservatives, is that the platform of the Democratic party opposes God-given rights, and flies in the face of God-mandated laws. Murder of unborn babies, paying healthy men and women not to work, promoting homosexuality and same sex "marriage", and ever increasing taxation on those who do work, to pay for it. God's word, the Holy Bible, is inerrant, irreversible and unchanging, regardless the "times".

I'm not going to get into a tit-for-tat debate with you about this. I think I know how you stand on these issues from your many political posts here. But, you should accept, and admit, that God's laws are what this, and many other nation's, foundations were built upon. And, IMO, the reason for so much of our troubles now is that "we" have turned out backs on His Word, as a nation and as individuals. And the liberals and the progressives are carrying the banner for it. All Republicans are not God-fearing people, by any stretch. But, to support a party that openly works to overthrow every vestige of Christianity, and persecute those who are known by that name, is to sanction it.

You are known by the company you keep. I'll stick with my company, for now.


May God bless America and those who defend her.