Originally Posted By: ksauers1
[quote=rocky mtn bill]Goillini, You got me wrong. I don't question the outcome under present law. I do want the law changed; I can't see why the popular vote is OK for every office in the land other than president. I understand the original intent. I just don't think it makes sense today.

Why doesnt it make sense today?

I for one , wouldnt want to live in a country ruled by New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Rocky Mountain bill

Reaching across the isle has always meant conservatives give up their values and go along with whatever the libs have in mind. Looking at the news, it seemed the four things deemed most dangerous by the blue state govs were, freedom to assemble, freedom to peacefully protest, any first amendment rights, and anything to do with the second amendment. Hey, Craigd, did I miss any?
Something that cant be pointed out too many times is how much better off granny was in a nursing home in a red state, like Florida, versus a blue state like MN, NY, NJ, CA, and on and on and on. Do you suppose the reds were just lucky, or, was there more at play?
If you needed an abortion, you were good to go in the locked down system, chemo, well, not so much.
