Re the original post, I would guess that smallbore Grade 60's are pretty darned rare. I just acquired a nice Grade 40 16ga. Maybe I've missed some high grade examples, but while Sauer sidelocks are nice, the ones I've seen haven't had a lot of engraving. By the time you get to the Grade 40's, you've got incredible deep relief engraving (and mine doesn't even have any rabbits--only game birds and dogs!) And according to Jeff Stephens, who wrote the DGJ article on scalloped Sauer boxlocks (Summer 2004), he'd seen only 2 Grade 40's in 16ga, and 3 in 20ga. He added that the 60's are more commonly seen than the 45's, so maybe there are a few more of them as smallbores, but I can't imagine there are very many.