Originally Posted By: Stan
You said 32 duck species, and geese aren't ducks, but I know what you meant and it is an admirable goal. I hope to see you post one day that you have completed it.


Right. I meant 32 duck species and I've killed 24. The tote board shows 40 species (32 ducks, 7 geese and 1 swan). Counting the geese I've killed 28 web-footed waterfowl in SC. The additional two Cackling Goose and Tundra swan I killed in ND and NC.

There is no generally accepted official count for the North American Waterfowl Slam like there is for big game but it's generally considered 32 duck species, 7 goose species, 1 swan and (go figure) 1 crane species for a total of 41. There's a facebook group called H41 - for Hunt the 41 species of waterfowl. I never thought the crane made much sense because it has a beak instead of a bill and doesn't have webbed feet.

There are some other species that can be taking in extremely regulated hunts like Emperor goose and trumpeter swan but these aren't counted.

The goose species are 1) Brant, 2) Cackling Goose, 3) Canada Goose, 4) White-fronted (specklebelly), 5) Ross' goose, 6) Blue Goose and 7) Snow goose. It's odd because Blue and Snow geese are accepted as a single species of lesser snow goose. There is larger subspecies of snow goose - the greater snow goose that I think should count over just the color variations but nobody asked me. haha.