I am the Archivist because I believe that books and information need to be saved and preserved. The ASSRA Archives and Library is primarily for members. I have had a few people come in to look for specific information but it is not any easier for them than for me to find things. I also look up information, but we have no set fees for doing so. Therefore, it is doing research mostly for free.

The Petrov papers are in a large bunch of files with little order to them. Many files have the same title or there are several titles per file. It is very difficult to find any particular bit of information. I did look up some information on Niedner scope mounts but it was more work than it was worth. If someone was paying for it at $10.00/ hour they would not have been happy with the little I could find. There are lots of photos of firearms with little to no information. The Niedner photo albums have had photos removed and mixed in with other photos.

Some emails do not get to me. I have no idea why. I am a volunteer and have one other person who helps out sometimes, but he has a day job so his time is limited.


falling block