Having had a few days to think about it, I would agree with Bill that Walt Snyders and James Tysons Ithaca articles stand out for me personally. Also, I keep tabbed Wm. Allens Vol 5 article on the five variations of the NID.

And as for one article or story that stands strongest in my memory, Id have to say Ross Seyfrieds Once Upon a Dark Continent in the first index and reader. He is a master at work as he weaves the horrors of southern Africa in the late 70s and early 80s with the breath stopping beauty of the bush and, then in the next second, the heart stopping danger of a charge. His economy of words and subtle understatement such as a passing mention of his decision to leave behind his double rifle and take up a 416 magazine rifle for the rest of his Africa days instantly opens your mind to all kinds of avenues, foremost for me the parallel to Harry Selby and the endless reflection that that can entail.

Daniel and Joannas vision and labor of love that is the Double Gun Journal continues to be a rich source of enjoyment and fascination for me.

Speude Bradeos