An slight hiccup with Internet Gun Club

In June I posted the history of Reilly on the Internet Gun Club forum. I recently subscribed to the site for a year and discovered a disappointing reply implying my "history" had been plagiarized from the Internet Gun Club history of Reilly written in 2002 which was "copyrighted."

The IGC history is ok...I had never read it before except a version posted on a UK internet help site. However, it has 20 errors in it, many of them major. The important point in the IGC history, however is that it also concluded, as I did independently, that Reilly only serial numbered guns he made.

Which means of course that IGC experts were convinced in 2002 that Reilly made his own guns. .

The disappointing aspect of this academic kerfuffle, besides the scurrilous allegation, is that the gun scholars on IGC (there is a tremendous amount of scholarly information on the site) let disinformation about Reilly be disseminated for 18 years by historians, writers, auction houses, without challenging it, or without challenging the texts of Boothroyd, etc.

Sorry for the venting (and it's admittedly petty)...but the allegation rankled.

(Heck, the passive inaction on Reilly rankles...why have expertise if it's squirreled away and nobody says anything? I've been emailing auction houses, museums, gun dealers, gun writers, magazines . . .for two years and fighting off yobs at the same time)

Last edited by Argo44; 07/29/20 10:05 PM.

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