I tried a release trigger. God bless those who like them. I was not one of them. The worst one I borrowed was a release trigger which had been setup as release on the first shot and non release on the second shot. To me that was the worst of both worlds. It was a trap shooter who had that setup, he said for trap doubles. I gave it back after a single round. A release trigger to me was not something I was happy using because it went against decades of gun safety that I had learned.

Stan, bad triggers are not to be put up with. But my triggers were never the real problem. I had 3200's, K-32, K-80, Perazzi, Kolars, plus an assortment of 1100's, 11-87, Model 12 and 42's. A couple had heavy triggers. If the triggers were not great when I started out I had a great trigger man near me. He knew more about triggers than I will ever understand. Shame cancer took him early. He could make a trigger glass smooth and crisp with what ever pull weight you wanted. He did it for my with hand guns, shot guns and rifles.

My flinch, I think was a problem when I did not see the proper sight picture, when I was ready to pull the trigger. Recoil was not a problem because I wen to shooting .410 only. It became a muscle memory problem, with the flinch a condition muscle response to a visual picture. Sounds more complex than it is really. I had perfected my flinch by the time I figured out why I was flinching. That is why learning how to shoot left handed did not have the same muscle memory and hence no flinch problem. After not shooting right handed for several years the muscle memory was almost completely forgotten or unlearned. It has not returned for the most part. I hope it never does.