LGF, for a number of years I honestly thought he would follow a path similar to yours. It even to to the point of visiting a smallIsh but nicely done museum of marine reptiles and when we got to the centrepiece of the museum, a gigantic mosasaur of some sort, Gordon looked at me and said “Dad, this is not a tylosaurus. They’ve made a mistake. (He was about to turn 10). Despite me assuring him that was impossible, he stuck to his guns. A chance encounter in the gift shop with the museum’s curator revealed that yes, Gordon was correct. They had messed up, wrongly identified it on the plaque and had a new one on order.

Now however, despite maintaining an interest in living things, mathematics is his focus. Much less interesting to me. Haha!

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia