Originally Posted By: damascus
Konor. I did a number of posts under "A heavier gun required" on how I did the the conversion of the dated sad looking Baikal to the gun you see now, with the only cost being the recoil bad and a silver coin the personal effort came free.

Thanks damascus Ill look the thread up. Im attracted to guns that have had a lot of care given them especially if they are run of the mill. At first glance I thought it was an older Browning A1.
Ive just read through the heavier gun required thread. Very impressed thanks for the heads up, I hope your shoulder and recoil problems have been resolved. I have just had a pacemaker fitted ,two weeks ago , due to an av2 block and resultant bradycardia so Im wondering if I will need to rethink my choice of gun for the coming season.

Last edited by Konor3inch; 09/14/20 06:03 PM. Reason: Added second paragraph