OK, my Limey friend. I'll agree that we (America WW-2) had some sub-standard Generals, if you compare them to Patton (which is a impossible task.) Even Patton cost the war effort when he send a unit to rescue his son-in-law from a German POW stalag-- not as big a FUBAR as Monty's "Market-Garden" Airborne/Ground Troop plan, where the British patently ignored the Dutch underground's "spot on" reports of a massive German PanzerKorp force awaiting the Allied Troops- disaster, big time. And I'll give you Clark & Ike being complacent about the Kraut last-ditch effort that lead to the Battle of the Bulge (Which Patton and Col. Koch predicted)and how that FUBAR lead to greater loss of Allied lives.

But the fact remains that W/O America's involvement in WW11- thanks mainly to the ignorance of American intelligence of the pending attack by Japan at Pearl Harbor, you wankers would be ordering (in German, Danke) sauerkraut und weinerschnitzel at the Savoy Grille, instead of steak and kidney pie.

FWIWIP- my main reason for distrust of the Brits lies in my Green Irish Catholic roots and all the shafting of the Irish by your Countrymen, going back to the Potato Famine and in infamous Lord Boycott and Lord Parnell as well.

I will agree that LBJ's "snookering" the American people into escalating the Aug 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident into a bloodbath that put over 53,000 American names on a long black wall in Washington D.C.-- He should have seen in recent history, albiet in a smaller scenario, the Bay of Pigs Fubar, and learned what JFK learned the hard way-- and you Limeys must now realize re: The IRA and Belfast- your adversary always has the home court advantage-just as we know that wars of attrition lead to a hige butcher's bill afterwards: Pickett's charge in 1963 at Gettysburg, Gen. Haig's loss of 60,000 men at the first battle of the Somme. RWTF

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..