Originally Posted By: nca225

What I like David, is an American President who doesn't catch for Putin. You know, being a patriot and all, I'll look past policy areas where I disagree with Biden and the Dems, and rest assured that my president isn't a puppet for the Russian regime.

Are you a patriot or just a selfish A-hole who doesn't give back nor support your country?

This is TOO FUNNY. Of course, we all know that nca225 is TOO STUPID and TOO MUCH A DNC SOCK PUPPET to acknowledge that Obama was the one who was caught telling ex-Russia President Medvedev that he could be "more flexible with Putin after the election."

Then, when Putin invaded Crimea and the Ukraine, Obama and Biden did nothing to stop them. When the Ukrainians were desperate for help, Obama and Biden provided blankets and MRE's, while Trump provided actual military aid and imposed severe sanctions on Russia.

Of course, Biden had an excuse for not doing more to oppose Putin. He was busy intervening in foreign affairs to pressure the former Ukraine President to fire the prosecutor who was launching an investigation into Barissma, the Ukranian Energy Company that paid Hunter Biden millions for serving on their Board... with zero energy production experience.

But DNC sock puppets like nca225 or rocky mtn bill never like to mention stuff like that. And Billy would NEVER challenge me to any debate, or to show two lies he has told here. I could do that in my sleep, and have caught Billy in numerous flat-out lies.

I'm surprised that Argo44 isn't whining about nca225's decidedly off-topic Threads today. Everyone here knows that this site is dedicated to Belgian model trains and Pushtan genealogy topics.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.