I've lived with tinnitus for thirty years at least. Understanding what Rob said to be true, I've learned to put up with it and live normally. It requires more attention to what people are saying (especially your wife), but you can live a pretty normal life with it. Funny thing about mine is that once every great while it will change pitch for awhile. But, it never goes away. If I watch a person's mouth as they talk to me I can tell exactly what they say. It's when they mumble, with their head turned away from me, and the radio is on, that's really bad.

I think mine was caused by a combination of things. an inner ear boil that burst on or near an eardrum, as a child ............. shooting a lot for 40+ years without ear protection ..... working under jet fighter planes in the Navy with insufficient ear protection, and last but not least ...........driving open tractors for 20+ years before tractors with cabs became available.

You better believe I use ear protection, now ........ religiously. But, it's a matter of too little, too late.

May God bless America and those who defend her.