Two things, first on the US/UK generals front, do any of you listen to the excellent UK podcast "We Have Ways of Making You Talk"? It is done by the two most entertaining historians I have ever listened to. All about WW2, and they cover this topic exhaustively.

Second, on the wearing out of guns, I will say this as an anecdotal response . . . my battery (I would imagine like most of yours) is a mix of guns from different eras. English pre-WW2, Belgian pre-1980, Spanish post-1990, and very recent Italian. True, I baby the old Brits in terms of loads, and less so the others (although I shoot more gentle loads than any of them are made for), but my repair frequency has been just as high for the Spanish and Italian as the English.

Great discussion.

"More important, we hoped that when Autumn came, the birds would fly"

-Guy De La Valdene