Thats my interpretation too, Joe.

I can remember being a kid 12 to 16 years old, free to finally pursue small game with a shotgun, and marveling over how our ears rang after a box or so of shells chasing rabbits squirrels pheasants blackbirds whatever.

Now, half a century later, that I cant hear as well, and I have constant ringing in my ears, disappoints me. It is my own fault.

I could have avoided all of it with any kind of reasonable hearing protection, and in my line of work, PPE for hearing loss has been available for the last 30 years. I just chose to use it less frequently than I should have, having spent my entire career in noisy places, papermills being the worst.

Now, wearing independently adjustable pro ears headphones, I can hear the whistle of a Woodcocks wings, the gabbling of a flock of mallards, the whistle of a Drake, and the bell stopping five seconds before my Astro alerts my watch.

So Im making up with technology what I wasted in my wayward youth.

Out there doing it best I can.