Mark, I melted 3 blocks of Gulf Wax into a large pot of about 3 gallons of water brought to just below boil. With guts intact, after taking maybe 15 seconds per bird to cut off wings, head and one foot, I rough plucked each to allow wax penetration. Holding each bird by the foot, one at a time, I dipped it into the floating wax into the pot of hot water. I insured full submersion below the floating wax with a stick. Pulled it out, dipped again, and dropped it into a bucket of cold water for a few minutes, and then let them sit out of the water until the wax hardened. Peel like an orange, cut off remaining foot and gut. Can't say it took more time than if I'd completely plucked each bird. I cleaned ducks the same way back in the day. Start to finish was probably 45 minutes, but only about 10 minutes of work. Rest of the time was waiting for wax to melt and harden.
Snipe have delicate skin, but the wax technique doesn't tear it and removes feathers and down completely, even around shot holes. Gil