Ever notice how the trek back seems shorter and less tiring that the one in if you have game in hand? But yes, by the end I was glad we did not come close to a three goose limit each on geese.

My memories of this hunt may last 20 years at best but his will last 50 or more. I hope so anyways. I still have memories of hunting with my grandfathers back in the early 1960's. Both taught me not to shoot a ducks we did not value as food, just so we could kill something and taught me the bag size is not the judge of the hunts success. Lesson learned.

We did not shoot at several Spoonbills and small diver ducks which just plunged right into our spread. Where we were they are not very good table fare I am told. We did watch them pick up and fly to another group's decoy spread about 300 yards away, who were not as picky. But as my son said he would rather have one nice Mallard than five little divers he could not enjoy eating and they had been fun to watch in the decoys. Lesson passed along.