A cousin's son had a PVC pipe potato launcher, that if memory serves, was fueled by starting fluid with a barbeque igniter. The one and only time I saw it was when I was at my cousins cabin and we were shooting the potatoes across the river that flowed past the cabin. We could easily hit the opposite shore, at least 150 yds away.

It happened to be during the heat of summer and there were a bunch of weekend warrior tubers floating the river. I think when they approached the cabin and saw us firing the potato gun, they got a bit nervous, at least from the looks we were getting from some of them.....no tubers float device were sunk!

Probably all of the tubers were not locals. The locals use the river for fishing, fly or otherwise and they (the tubers) probably thought we were some N ID rednecks out to terrorize them!

That's a darn cool set-up you put together Chuck!

Cameron Hughes