On the woods road to the bottom, the MuttPak plus Floyds Sadie bumped a covey in the pines in the below photo. Today, the doodles were also in the pines which were high and dry. On the loop back out, two hours later, the dogs bumped the reassembled covey again with us 100 yards away. Thirty minutes later, junior MuttPak member, Willa, was rock solid on a blackberry vine clump, car sized, and only a foot high. I went in ahead of Willa and a washtub-sized brown and white whirling blur rose at my feet and sped away like Hanss Millennium Falcon. I got off one shot, Floyd two and that was it. It was one of those rare coveyrises of about 20 wild birds that got up with nothing but clear air between us. Of course, no bird was hit explaining none in the other photo below.

Old farts missing birds
Nothing startling with that news
Usual business.