Those of us who cherish our gun rights and wish to preserve the 2nd Amendment are very unhappy to see the results of the Georgia Senate race, and the fraudulent election that elected a devout anti-gunner like Altzheimer Joe Biden.

The country was divided and disrupted by Democrats who started talking about impeaching Trump before he was even sworn into office. The filthy Democrat pieces of shit who whined about Mitch McConnell wishing to make Obama a one-term president did everything they could to remove Trump long before he could finish four years.

I am happy to see rocky mtn bill gleefully celebrating the fraudulent election of a 47 year career anti-gunner. This shows that the enemy within is helping to stab all gun owners in the back. He is proud of it.

Anyone who helps this backstabber rocky mtn bill is as stupid as he is. I can already hear the whining and crying from law abiding gun owners who will have their Constitutional Rights attacked... who will see attempted bans on entire classes of firearms, restrictions on ammunition, and massive price increases because of shortages and panic buying. Here's a sample of things to come... thanks to assholes like rocky mtn bill:

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.