At least 25 people have been killed as a result of BLK protests in 2020, but Queen Stevie and rocky mtn bill are not a all concerned about that.

Numerous police officers have also been killed, and hundreds injured, as a result of the BLM protests, but you wiil not hear Queen Stevie or rocky mtn bill ever mentioning that either.

For these two Trump hating Libtards, it's all about supporting the narrative that Trump is evil, and liberal left anti-gun Democrats are good.

The fact remains... Trump did not incite these riots and protests

He never exhorted anyone to break into the House of Representatives.

But millions of Americans are justifiably angry about the massive and obvious election fraud that elected the anti-gunner Joe Biden.

Queen Stevie will be here shortly to deny any such fraud, and he/she will instead dig for evidence of Republican election fraud. But Queen Stevie knows damn well there were millions of mail-in ballots that did not have proper verification of voter I.D., signature. or valid registration. Also, once the ballots were removed from the outer envelopes that had the signature, they were discarded. So there is no way to go back and prove the fraud which was witnessed by election observers.

Queen Stevie cannot prove there was no fraud. All he/she can do is spout the lying Fake News and Democrat propaganda mantra that there was no fraud. I find it very interesting to see a gunsmith carrying the mail for anti-gun Liberal Left Democrats.

I also do not believe Queen Stevie when he/she claims that 45 % of Republicans now disapprove of Trump's actions. I have not seen a single one who has changed their mind about him, nor the fact that a large majority still feel the election was stolen. We are quite happy that Trump did not simply roll over and let them get away with lies and fraud.

The only thing more stupid and pathetic than a liberal gun owner like rocky mtn bill supporting anti-gunners is a closet Liberal like Queen Stevie, who is always critical of the Republicans that actually protect our gun rights. Queen Stevie will claim he/she voted for Trump. But over four years of Queen Stevie criticizing and lying about Trump tells a very different story.

Last edited by keith; 01/11/21 01:10 PM.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.