Most states have made the decision to manage only for deer and turkeys. The rest of game is either left to fend for itself or must try to overcome ineptitude by those who should be making it successful. And money is always the end result and what the goal seems to be for them.

Why does a small state like Maryland need 244 sworn NRP officers and 78 civilian support staff? That’s almost an average of ten per county. I guess the would say that they spend most of their time in non law enforcement work. But it seemed like I saw a game warden every time I went hunting. They certainly are not helping any game, other than deer and turkeys. And deer and turkeys are spreading like wildfire. I don’t think they need any help at all.

Last year we went to online drawing for everything in Ohio. KY also did much the same. Their system was never designed for the volume they received. License were purchased online and are digital now. But when you have a problem with the system you are going to be on your own most of the time. Glad it worked out for you.