Bid vs Ask
I kind of doubt that anybody pays the crazy prices for anything but the lowest volume of pieces.

This is the second or third market upset that I’ve paid attention to in my shooting time, and two things pique my curiosity.

I’ve never run into any of the gougers that seem to have received much benefit from their gouging.
Have any of you ever met some person driving a new Ferrari, because they sold a whole bunch of 9 mm pistol ammunition that they hoarded from the Walmart?

And I’ve never seen any of the hoarders ever come off any of their material.

So, I would be guessing here, but it would appear there are a bunch of Silas Marner’s sitting in their basements surrounded by cartons of ammunition, rubbing their hands together with glee.

And not doing anything with it.

I look forward to seeing the enormous caches of ammunition that people seem to be storing, to come back on the market.

Out there doing it best I can.