I would like to shime in with a few words about my personal preferences. First, I avoid drillings with Greener safeties, because I find them virtually impossible to manipulate with gloves on, and most of my hunting is done with gloves on. Secondly, I would avoid the Krieghoff "Seperatekugelspannung" (seperate rifle barrel cocking) in favor of another system once offered by Krieghoff and Sauer, which uses a lever on the left side of the action, leaving the top of the pistol grip free for the safety, which operates like that of an ordinary double barrel shotgun.

I used to really enjoy walking around my property with a drilling, ready for anything that appeared, but age and neuropathy in both feet have made that impossible, so I am pretty much confined to a blind.

Before becoming handicapped, however, I was walking down a logging road on my property late in the season, when I spotted a small herd of does in the woods to my right. For some inexplicable reason, they decided to cross the logging road directly in front of me. My J. P. Sauer sidelock 12/12/8X57JRS was loaded with a rifle cartridge and two shotgun slugs and the daily limit then as now was three deer, only one of which could be antlered. I took the opportunity to fire all three barrels. I wish I could report that I scored on all three shots, but only the deer struck by the rifle bullet remained in sight on the ground. A tracking dog might have turned up more, but using dogs for deer hunting was and is illegal in Tennessee.

This is the cocking device on my Sauer drilling, easily activated with the left hand.
