Originally Posted by ed good
so, are the supremes gonna protect our rights? re the ny law that restricts the right of the people of ny state to bear arms?

or are they gonna rule that states have the power to infringe on peoples rights, as the 2nd amendment only forbids federal infringement and does not apply to state infringements?

and another thing...right now, if i drive from nh to va, with a handgun, i am violating the laws of five states: ma, ct, ny, nj and md...seems like those states should honor the laws of my home state, nh...but they dont...

Ed, nobody knows how the Court will rule on this case. But this case is being heard to decide if we have the Constitutional right to defend ourselves with firearms outside our homes. If you read the 2nd Amendment, and you read the words of the Framers, nowhere does it say you can only defend yourself in your home.

What we do know from past history is that the Justices who were seated on the Supreme Court by Liberal Democrats all provided sworn statements during their confirmation hearings saying that they respect the 2nd Amendment Rights of U.S. citizens. But when push comes to shove, most all of the Liberal Justices side with the anti-gunners, and go against law abiding citizens and gun owners. This is where we will see Trump's legacy in the votes of the three Justices he nominated, along with three others nominated by Republican Presidents. I would bet that the three Liberals will rule against gun owners. It's what they do.

You mentioned how you would currently be violating the laws of five states if you drove from NH to Va. with a handgun. I have no doubt that is probably true. I believe you because every one of those states you mentioned is a Democrat Blue State. This Supreme Court case concerns restrictions in New York, a Democrat Blue State. The 2008 Heller decision and the 2010 McDonald decision concerned anti-gun restrictions in Washington D.C. and Illinois, two more Democrat strongholds. That should tell you something. Virtually everywhere the 2nd Amendment Rights have been infringed is controlled by Democrats, and it was Democrats who passed those anti-gun laws. And it is Democrats who are always pressing to do more to gradually take away our Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Is it any wonder that the same Liberal Democrats who are attempting to erode the 2nd Amendment are also trying to shut down free speech too? The Rights of a free people are just not consistent with creeping Socialism. Does it make sense that Liberal Democrats are always chipping away at the Gun Rights of law biding citizens, yet they wish to restore voting rights to convicted felons, and turn a blind eye to millions of illegal aliens ?

Finally, do you still believe the following statements you made here, or were you just trolling to ignite shit-storms?

Originally Posted by ed good
if society, via our law makers, deem it necessary to restrict or prohibit our possession of certain classes of arms, then every good citizen should obey the law for the good of the majority.

and if some here wish to discuss further restriction and prohibition of certain classes of arms here, then why not?

Originally Posted by ed good
as for the gun control issue...we are the only country in the world that seems to tolerate mass murder, in the name of an individual right...its about time that we as a society realize that we are over gunned with too many super dangerous weapons in the hands of too many super dangerous people... it is long past time to do as the rest of the civilized world has done and simply, disarm...

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.