Argo is right on the money. Stay the hell away from the meds unless you have no-other choice. Diet and exercise is the only way to age with even a small margin of grace. Start by walking your dog regularly (What? You don't have a dog....get one! Great motivator and a purpose to keep moving.) Walking should then lead to other physical activities, like sit ups and leg lifts to tighten up your core muscles. Slow and steady is the ticket. Free weights can be added in after that for upper body strength. You might see a medico for blood work and recommendations on supplements and anti-inflammatories to help keep you moving. I do lutein for eyesight and Relief Factor (TM) for the inflammation. Testosterone replacement is useful as well, if done prudently. And...even if you can afford it, don't outsource your life. Mow your own grass, shop for your own food, cook your own meals (learn how!), and wash your own vehicle. Get outdoors every chance! Pick berries and make jam, plant a few flowers, fish in the warm months, and hunt in the cooler ones! Fill your life with people (family, church, car clubs, gun clubs, etc.) Watch the booze...a little is fun, a lot is usually trouble. Be proactive medically, don't let things drag along. If you can afford it, fix it! Make plans and execute them, don't sit around and feel sorry for yourself. Have a mission! And fun to be around, don't [censored] and criticize how things appear to be going in the world. You're an old fart now and nobody gives a shit about what you think.

There....I feel better already.

BTW: I'd like to hear your version of "Mary Ann Barnes" be sung by a bunch of hardasses....

Last edited by Lloyd3; 05/16/21 03:28 PM.