I hope and pray that this is not taken in some other way than how I intend it. And it is not intended to be critical of anyone in particular. But, if you decide it's time to start getting rid of stuff because of your age, you have decided "I'm going to be gone soon, and I'd rather dispose of it my way". That's a recipe for disaster, IMO. You may well rid yourself, successfully, of all the guns you have dearly loved for many years, and saved those who succeed you from the effort to do so, but you may have also imprinted into your mind the idea that you're not going to be here much longer. And, that's a good prerequisite for checking out.

My mantra is that I am going to use all that stuff next season, next month, next week, tomorrow. And, do it. I learned some time ago the importance of thinking positive thoughts, and denying negative ones that creep in. Really competitive people, in all forms of sports (and shooting), understand the importance of thinking positive thoughts, programming your mind to believe what you will achieve. The mind accepts what you tell it. The problem comes when you tell it negative things. Like, "I'm 69 now, that's nearly 70, and Lord knows how many of my classmates never made 70. I'd better get my things in order because I may not be here much longer." Damn that!! I will NOT think that way.

May God bless America and those who defend her.