Bill, I think they're talking about the eccentricities of some serious trap (and skeet) shooters, the tendency to think another gadget, or a special shirt, or lucky pair of shoes or hat, will really get another target or two. The long, strained, eccentric pre-shot routines.

My bunch of buddies are 180 degrees the opposite of that. We rag each other, saying anything we can to get in the others' heads and get them to drop a bird, or two. We hope for a rabbit target that takes a big hop, and rag the shooter in the box if he gets one or two. We will ask each other things like "Did you put a new bead on your rib?", just as he gets ready to say "Pull!". Or, if the shooter in the box runs the first three pair we will sometimes casually comment "You know, nobody on the squad has missed one here ............yet". All these kinds of things are exactly opposite of the flair the poster was referring to, if I understood him correctly.

May God bless America and those who defend her.