and now, i interupt this program for a manipulative link to my current offerings on gi...

i am posting this here in a des par rate effort to generate sales...many of the items i have for sale are in my hands on consignment...

if i do not perform and turn these rare and valuable firearms into cash soon, i am afraid that my consignment customers may take back their items and consign them to internet based auction houses, where you would be required to pay buyers premium fees, of up to 25%'...neither i nor gb have ever charged a buyers fee...

take advantage of these low buyers premium free bar gan prices...BUY NOW, AND SAVE!

and, support this fine forum...if you buy it, say you saw it here, so dave gits paid...

and now back to our regularly scheduled program...

Last edited by ed good; 09/11/21 10:09 PM.

keep it simple and keep it safe...