This may or may not be of help, I have only fitted two Gold ovals in stocks one was a standard oval the other was a shield shape. Now I have long given up purchasing Gold and Silver from the usual retail sources because too many people are taking a goodly slice of profit from my purchase. On this side of the pond Victorian Silver coins where still in circulation up to the sixties and some longer with the Sovereign and half sovereign still in common use until the early 1900 s. Because of this there are a number of worn coins about, not suitable for collectors. Victorian Silver Shillings (ideal for ovals in fact I fitted one on the posting "heavier gun required" with pictures) are around £3 to £5 depending on condition even less if in a bad state, Sovereign's in worn condition sell for the gold price on the day plus a little profit for the dealer.

The only lessons in my life I truly did learn from where the ones I paid for!