My last outing for game was New Years eve. I had a cow elk tag that ran until Dec 31st. Unfortunately, we've had a ton of snow here making it almost impossible to get off the plowed county roads. Did see some shootable cows, but unfortunately, they were on tribal ground, and I didn't buy a tribal license since they raised the cost almost 300%.

Been there and done that in the cold and windy temperatures, when I was living in AK. Broke through some ice on a slough where it entered the large river while on my sno go, out fox calling. Fortunately, the ski's caught on the edge of the ice and I was able to climb out and pull it back onto the ice. I did lose an 870 12 ga Wingmaster, which was sitting across my lap and slid off into the water. I beat cheeks about 3-4 miles home on the sno go and fired up the sauna I had in the house when I got back, shivering and freezing cold, probably on the verge of hypothermia. I cringe when I think about that and what could have happened had it gone, more wrong!

Cameron Hughes