Thanks for the replies, Dustin and Ted. That is exactly what I was looking for. Well thought out and written reasons.

I can appreciate strength, simplicity and robustness. And, the ease of reloading in a blind or pit. I think that one may be open to debate, as I have used 32" barreled boxlocks in boats, pits and blinds for many years and never felt hindered in any way, but I see the point. Same point can be made for autoloaders and pumps. I guess the two main hurdles I can't cross right now are the lightweight deal, and the looks. I understand your fondness for a relatively light weight gun, Dustin. I well remember your pictures of birds taken on the rocky slopes, and also how much you walked obtaining them. Light weight isn't a need for me at age 70, given my types of hunting. Maybe at 80 ...... bound to happen sooner or later. As to the beauty, I just can't see it. That's not debatable, it's just a matter of personal taste. I will not belittle someone who DOES see the beauty there, however.

I have seen and handled a Darne, Ted, and worked the action on it. Never shot one. So, I'm in that camp. Having grown up on a boxlock S X S, it's just ingrained in me. I never owned a pump until a few years ago, and have a hard time remembering to shuck the things when I shoot. I can imagine my clumsiness in learning to open, reload and close a sliding breech gun quickly. Maybe that's just too new a trick for this old dog.

Best to you both, SRH

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