==================== An academic review of this history ======================

I realize that gradually the history of Reilly as written 3 years ago has changed from a readable story to an academic defense of the conclusions. That won't fly as prose and anything published will revert to the original story-telling format.

But, there is still the academic debate to be handled here where the line was created, argued and honed. So, here's what is going to be done over the next few months.

I have broken the history up into 95 short paragraphs. I've footnoted each paragraph-each sentence or assertion. The photographs of the documents and evidence supporting each footnote will be published for each paragraph. I tried to figure a way to put thumbs but that's impossible on this site so a lot of the photos are repeats...but this time in chronological order. This is going to be redundant and going over old material. But In this way, if anyone objects to a conclusion, it can be debated directly once again. Because I'm reposting hundreds of photographs it will also require about 100 posts over the next few months and will certainly repeat material already posted over 5 years above.

In any event this will be a chronological trip through both Reilly history and the history of the gun, the UK and France and in some ways Europe in the 19th century. If it doesn't work, please say it early on so I can just let it lay as is or don't read it. Thanks. Gene

Note: The footnotes are representative - but are only a small fraction of the data and documents compiled.

Last edited by Argo44; 09/19/23 10:01 PM.

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