I've had the "flashes", early cataracts, floaters, and for a couple years now I have had recurring "visual migraines". I had an appointment with my opthalmologist recently and he gave me a thumbs up. My vision, at age 70, is 20/25 and he says my cataracts are nowhere near enough to warrant removal. The visual migraines cause me no pain at all, and usually are gone within 20 minutes of beginning. They DO affect my central vision, however, while it is happening. But, Doc says nothing to worry about. I haven't experienced one while shooting yet, but if and when that occurs I'll just have to handle it the best I can until it passes.

As to being able to use any of this as an excuse for missing I'd have to be less than honest if I claimed that/them as an excuse. I shot a 93 (sporting) last time, with my BSS, so maybe I've got a few more good rounds left in me.

May God bless America and those who defend her.