=============== *21 1855: Paris Exposition Universelle TEXT=================

*21 1855: Paris Exposition Universelle

Reilly exhibited at the 1855 Paris Universelle Exposition,*21a where he received much acclaim, "all guns were sold," and "many orders were booked." The exhibit was again in the name of E.M Reilly**21b; however, advertisements make it very clear that though EM won the medals, the firm was still "Reilly, Gun Maker."*21c

In some ways the 1855 Exposition was nearly as important for the UK gun-making fraternity as the 1851 Crystal Palace exposition. Lang won a gold medal (for excellence of construction) for his center-break pin-fire, an “improved” version of the Lefaucheaux gun.*21d Lang’s gun used a single bite lump while Lefaucheaux’s guns clearly used a double bite design although Lang reinforced other aspects of the gun.

Lang’s success apparently convinced both Reilly and Blanche, close collaborators and pretty prescient (credit E.M,?), to research, construct and market the guns during the next year with dramatic results. This will be discussed further in chapter 23 – Origin of the UK pin-fire and 24 – Reilly begins to make pin fires.

For the record, In the mid-1850’s Reilly’s foreman was named fnu “Le Gerant” per an advertisemtnent for a rifle for sale on consignment.*21e ("Le Gérant" of course means "the manager" in French....thus this may not be a name at all..just another expression of Reilly's Catholic francophilia).

============= *21 1855: Paris Exposition Universelle END TEXT===============

Last edited by Argo44; 06/04/22 11:33 PM.

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