We have seen a big increase in breeding Bald Eagles here also. There is a pair that nests in a big cottonwood a mile from my house. We see them most often on roadkilled mammals, especially deer, where they compete with coyotes. Further west, the Golden's compete with other raptors and scavenging mammals at prairie dog shooting sites. The Bald's here are notorious for following big flocks of migrant waterfowl, especially in the fall, so I have always wondered if the big increase might be partially attributable to the adoption of non-toxic shot, sort of like the return of swans to the Thames River in England when lead sinkers were banned. For rifles and big bore pistols, I would not mind a switch to solids for high-speed big game and varmint loads. Shotguns on upland game is a whole different situation, and I don't know if non-toxic dove loads are available. I'm still shooting an ounce of lead 8's at doves with my 16ga. We have steel shot only for all birds on our state wildlife management areas and refuges.