Originally Posted By: Lowell Glenthorne
The man who has Bo-Whoop is no different than any collector.
He came by the gun, cash was exchanged and now it sits.
He is not a crook nor cat burglar, he's just been it's caretaker.
He could be one of us.
Bet 9 out of 10 would keep the gun under wraps too!
To my knowledge, the family has been kinda nil on getting it back.
Anyone see a reward for the gun?
I see rewards for lost cats and dogs posted everyday day on telephone poles.

Signs on telephone poles don't last forever ....besides I doubt the loss of the gun worried Nash too much.

I still say the man that owns bO-whoop is a crook....and I think George L and the owner know that I'm correct.

That's why George L stuck his head in the sand...