My ETS was November 1, 1969 , so I can't verify or dispute AZMike's statement about not being allowed to wear a uniform while travelling in 1971/1972. I have never heard of such a rule. My experience was much different. I always travelled in a class A Army uniform. Sometimes I didn't have a car or money for public transportation. I hitchhiked up and down Interstate 95 for two years, in uniform, and never experienced any bad treatment. I also spent plenty of time in airports and on planes during that same 1967 to 1969. One of my buddies got pinched in Petersburg, VA for going 120 miles per hour at dawn one Saturday morning. He was locked up in the old Petersburg dungeon and I and another soldier were released to continue our trip home to Washington. We were picked up on an I-95 exit ramp by a Virginia state policeman who said we were violating the law by hitchhiking on the interstate. We thought we were back in jail but the patrolman took us thirty miles north to the north end of Richmond. He let us out on an exit ramp and wished us luck on the rest of our trip north. If we had any money, he would have taken us to the bus station. Travelling in uniform without money was a trying experience, but with no negative political situations. Just my experience. Others may have had different ones.