=== *48 1863: Attempts to Curry Favor with the British Royal Family: TEXT ===

*48 1863: Attempts to Curry Favor with the British Royal Family:

Throughout the 1860's Reilly guns were purchased by various members of the British royal family, usually to give as gifts to foreign dignitaries or persons who had done favors for the family. This included guns bought by Prince Albert Edward (Later King Edward VII).*48a and his younger brother Prince Alfred (later Duke of Saxe Coberg).*48b Reilly tried to obtain, but without success, a Royal Warrant as "Gun Maker to the Royal Family."

For a few months in 1863 Reilly published advertisements associating himself with the Royal Family based apparently on these royal purchases of Reilly guns. He also spent hundreds of pounds on elaborate gas light decorations to his buildings on the wedding of the Prince*48c and on various Royal anniversaries.*48d He apparently was slapped down pretty quickly and after November 1863, such claims never again surfaced.

Note: The Reilly’s were Irish Catholic. E.M. at least appears to have been involved with the church*48e and to have campaigned against religious discrimination against Catholics in UK.*48f Whether this influenced his ability to obtain a “Royal Warrant” in a very Anglican anti-Catholic England at the time or even to win a contract with Arsenal is problematic.

== *48 1863: Attempts to Curry Favor with the British Royal Family: END TEXT ==

Last edited by Argo44; 06/05/22 09:18 AM.

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