I work in the automobile industry, the automation industry segment as it were.

In fact, we installed probably 25 robots, and unloaded another hundred or more today.

That’s just in the body shop, where every bit of sheet metal on a modern car, is handled by robots, jigged up by robots, spot welded by robots, and measured by Robots. To stds no human could ever meet.

I think Ineos has a long Way to go before they can start doing business in the United States.

Even for us early adopters, they have been very reluctant to have anything other than canned press days, for Internet personalities that will say favorable things about them.

For instance, they had a press day in Denver, and yet invited no one that wasn’t part of the automobile press.
You would think, that you would see at least one, non-press related report, about driving the vehicle.

They have yet to publish anything related to their crash testing for the US market.

That is a very big hurdle to overcome.

I will be very surprised if they start delivering vehicles in the United States in 2023.

I am worn out on their continuous internet hype.

They will either perform as designed, or they won’t.

Automobile marketing is a moving target.

What might be hot today, could very easily be dated and boring 6 months from now, and the volumes collapse.

The longer they take to bring the product to market, the greater the risk that alternatives will evolve to fill the market.

I think many of the off-road SUV manufacturers are already eyeing the misstep of the new Land Rover defender.

Out there doing it best I can.