Goes against something within me to start thinking that way, Lloyd. Certainly not a put down on anyone who chooses to, just not me ....... at least not for awhile. If I start thinking that way I'm afraid it will affect my "drive". I push myself in that regard. I'll be seventy-one in October. Twenty-nine to go to reach my target of taking a limit of doves on Oct. 13, 2051.

Not everyone wants to reach that goal, and I'm not fooling myself. I know things can happen to cause that goal to be unattainable. But, it's my belief that if you work towards it you've got a better chance of attaining it than if you don't. There really is something powerful about positive thinking. However, I may be more susceptible to negative thinking than others. My buddies can swap choke tubes like Liz Taylor did husbands, but it introduces negative thoughts when I do so. It's like I'm admitting "I probably can't hit that bird with this tight a choke, so let's open up a bit". I'm referring to clay birds, now.

Interesting reading your, and other's, comments though. With my love of long barreled .410 doubles I suspect my final dove shoot will be with one.

May God bless America and those who defend her.