Who ever you have do the job ask them to seal the end grain. I’ve seen too many pads installed that had the wood swell if they got wet later. Takes just a few minutes to guard against this. I do my own with a jig and scribe. Funny how .010 proud or over trimmed looks like a major problem. I’ve done a couple twice because when you do it yourself you notice every blemish like a zit on your nose.

Worse were the gooey pads which were so popular 10 years ago. Few knew that they trimmed best if put into the freezer to stiffen them up first. Hated them and quickly tossed them into the trash bin and replaced them with a better, classic, pad. I’d even use a white line pad before using them again. You can always color that white line if you want. Gooey might sound soft and comfortable but they were mostly tacky to touch and picked up dirt and grime like a eraser.