Nice looking gun, a single barrel should be. Interesting that it has a straight "English" stock; the French preference was for a half-pistol grip stock. I started out shooting a single barrel US made 12 gauge when I was 14...still have cost $5 at the time and am wondering now how many times I've actually fired two barrels at one bird or clay.

I have little info on the Simplex because we just haven't run across them. There is that Mournetas book but I can't buy it - don't have room anymore. If there is an article or chapter though that you come up with, photograph it and I'll help translate it. Look forward to more. I expect once you get good photos of the rest of the numbers and proof marks FAB500 can help.

Last edited by Argo44; 11/30/22 10:43 PM.

Baluch are not Brahui, Brahui are Baluch