Care to say how many shells were expended? Absolutely not picking on you. Just curious if you also kept up with that too. That's a fine season by any standard, given the limits and difficulty. And I quite like that you used a variety of different guns. I've done some of that as well at times, just taking a gun out because it hasn't been out, and I've not shot it in a while but have never been as methodical as you on that count and a lot of my doin's anymore are just target games for enjoyment because it's whot I have easiest access to. Dove hunting now involves overnight stays for me and traveling w/a pair of guns is about all that I want to fool with, even on a short trip. Was a time that huntable mourning dove were plentiful around here. The birds are still here in areas but the urban sprawl/development(?) has made places one can hunt close by almost extinct. And too, my desire to drive any distance returning after a day's hunt has abandoned me as I've aged, so a hotel or motel comes into play for a roost, even when out shooting on friends, if one isn't too far removed. Enough.

I have always felt that anyone who can pass shoot our panhandle and W TX mourning dove in a flyway at the 75% level, taking all comers, is doing some serious world class rough shooting. Very few can manage that. Not talking about birds leaving fields in the afternoons or coming into tanks or water troughs by wind motors. Talking about highflyers in open flyways where the distances between food and water is miles and being positioned somewhere out in the middle, well away from either. I don't think there is a more sporting game or rewarding bag than that type of game shooting.