Originally Posted by Jimmy W
If you remember, back in February of 2021 when they had that big storm in Texas and people's Electric were off for 3 days. People received electric bills for thousands of dollars. One guy ended up having to pay $17,000 for 3 Days of electric outage. He was silly enough to give the electric company his credit card for them to deduct his monthly bill. He actually had $17,000 in his bank account and they took it out to pay his bill. Once you give someone access to your credit card they can legally take out whatever they want because you have given them permission to do so. Some of the people got a part of their money back in that instance, but why go through that hassle. You should never ever give someone access to your credit cards or you are asking for trouble. You can Google that story it was all over the news at the time. Don't believe me? Go to Google and type in- "man receives $17,000 Electric bill in Texas during outage in February 2021." You can read the story for yourself. During that outage the guys electric bill jumped from 8 to 10 cents per kilowatt hour up to $900 per kilowatt hour.

Let me guess... the root cause of everything was Climate Change and CO2.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.