A little history might be in order here.

Several years ago, the hunters & fisherman in Colorado worked hard to get the state to spin-off & sperate state parks from the division of wildlife. We finally got our wish with the last republican governor we had & probably will have. Bill Ownes had enough votes in the legislature to separate the two & he signed it into law. The reason we wanted this done was that the parks side of things wasn't paying for itself & our hunting & other dollars were funding the loses on the parks side of things.

Then came along democrat John Hickenlooper as Governor "Now US Senator" and he merged the two back together creating Colorado Parks & Wildlife because State parks was hemorrhaging red ink & couldn't generate enough to pay for itself, whereas the wildlife & fishing side of things was doing great by being financed with hunting & fishing license sales. I knew that the moment Hickenlooper did this, we were screwed & eventually it would come to what we're seeing today with the CPW board of commissioners.

What it basically comes down to is the antis are embedded in the Marxist party and if that party gains total control of a state the hunters are going to take it where the sun doesn't shine. This is only part of the issues going on here. You should see the draconian gun laws moving through the state house right now along with bills that will wipe out single family residential zoning statewide. If you want to see what these Marxist bastards want to do to our country, all you have to do is pay attention to what's going on in Colorado.