I agree with the negative comments about the photos and descriptions. I can't even enlarge the single photo provided, have I missed something there? The single photo I get up tells me nothing at all about the condition, and the description adds very little. I buy via absentee bid from some of the auction sites mentioned above, I doubt that I will from this one. It's close enough to me I may make the trip just to pester George L. a bit, however. I expected a lot more guns than they are showing in the listings. And what's with this verbage from their terms and conditions: " All post 1898 firearms must be registered in compliance with Federal and South Carolina State Laws. Buyers of post -1898 firearms must complete state and Federal registration forms at Charlton Hall Galleries, Inc., unless otherwise specified;" .........

What's that all about? Registered in compliance with Federal and South Carolina laws? Are these folks experienced in selling firearms, or do they just sell fancy rugs, old paintings, and little bitty statues of fairy tale people? None of my guns are "registered" in compliance with Federal laws, and my brother down the road at Beufort says his ain't registered in South Carolina, either.