Many years ago, my brother Jim took a real skybuster shot at a canada goose that was at least 100 yards up and I think considerably more. The shot was really a laugher. He was shooting a superposed 20 with 26" IC/Mod. barrels. (He was shooting Fed. Premium copper plated 4s in the old lead days.) We were in a little duck boat on Mud Lake, Idaho. Well, the golden bb found its way to that goose's brain. Down came that great big honker. Took forever to fall and hit the water within 20 feet of the boat like a washtub dropped out of a plane. If it had hit one of us or the boat I don't know what would have happened.

Funny thing. That evening we were in the only restaurant/bar/pool hall in Mud Lake. Some guy in the bar came over, said he recognized us and asked if we had shot a goose that morning on the lake. "Yes." "Well," he says, "I was out there and I saw that shot. Great shot but I guess when you are shooting #4 buck shot you can get a few like that."

We had to buy him three beers to convince him the goose was shot with legal shells and not buck shot. I think it took two more to convince him it was a 20 gauge.

Anyway, Jake

Last edited by Jakearoo; 12/23/07 03:59 AM.

R. Craig Clark