You are undoubtably correct, I certainly would not argue your point. However the only way around that I am familar with is to totally give up shooting at live game, a situation most are not willing to do. While "On the Wing" certainly makes hitting more difficult, most birds are actually more vulnerable with their wings spread than folded, so even resorting to "Pot Shooting" would not totally resolve the problem.
What I was speaking of though is those folks who use large shot & intentionally fire at birds on which at best they can only hope to put one shot in & hope it hits a killing spot. These folks fire a large number of shots for each bird brought to bag & undoubtably for every one killed a higher number fly on carrying a shot in their bodies somewhere. This type of shooting is to me totally unacceptable. For those who do their level best to fire only at birds they have a reasonable expection of killing the only consolation I have for those which are lost, is that nothing which dies in nature is ever trully wasted, it will feed something or do some good in some way. This is however, no excuse for making shots which one does not have reasonable expectations of being successful.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra