A word of warning.

An old boy I used to soot with once generously offered to get my cartridge bags initialled for me. " They are such nice bags, you should have your initiails on them Dig" he said over lunch in the pub.

So, I carefully wrote my initials: E.D.F.H on a piece of paper. Andy made a note on the paper to remind him what they were for and took the bags away.

Two weeks later he proudly presented me with my three bags (all Brady combined value £700) with the initials D.I.G.S in deep bold embossing - a nice job.

"But Andy", I said "those are not my initials!"
"Yes they are - look" - he took out the paper and on the reverse of where I had written EDFH, was Any's note in block letters: DIGS INITIALS FOR BAGS.

At least is wasn't my Purdey! Everytime I see them I think of Andy and laugh.